
Volumes in lithos are just some kind of mount-points. The mount points are not created by lithos itself. So they must exist either in original image. Or on respective volume (if mount point is inside a volume).

There are the following kinds of volumes:


Example: !Readonly "/path/to/dir"

A read-only bind mount for some dir. The directory is mounted with ro,nosuid,noexec,nodev


Example: !Persistent { path: /path/to/dir, mkdir: false, mode: 0o700, user: 0, group: 0 }

A writeable bind mount. The directory is mounted with rw,nosuid,noexec,nodev. If you need directory to be created set mkdir to true. You also probably need to customize either the user (to the one running command e.g. same as user-id of the container) or the mode (to something like 0o1777, i.e. sticky writable by anyone).


Example: !Statedir { path: /, mode: 0o700, user: 0, group: 0 }

Mount subdir of the container’s own state directory. This directory is used to store generated resolv.conf and hosts files as well as for other kinds of small state which is dropped when container dies. If you mount something other than / you should custimize mode or an owner similarly to !Persistent volumes (except that you can’t create statedir subdirectory by hand because statedir is created for each process at start)


Example: !Tmpfs { size: 100Mi, mode: 0o766 }

The tmpfs mount point. Currently only size and mode options supported. Note that syntax of size and mode is generic syntax for numbers for our configuration library, not the syntax supported by kernel.